ACT (Artists Contemporary TOKAS) Vol. 5
Date 2023/2/11 (Sat) - 2023/3/26 (Sun)
Venue Tokyo Arts and Space Hongo
Artists 海老原 靖、鮫島ゆい、須藤美沙
Yasushi, SAMEJIMA Yui, SUDO Misa
Organizer Tokyo Arts and Space, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture
Supports Wada Fine Arts, KEN NAKAHASHI, SYP Gallery
Photo KATO Ken Photo courtesy of Tokyo Arts and Space
「ACT(Artists Contemporary TOKAS)」は、トーキョーアーツアンドスペースのプログラムに参加経験のある作家を中心に、注目すべき活動を行なっているアーティストを紹介する企画展として、2018年度より開始しました。今年度で5回目となる本展では、海老原靖、鮫島ゆい、須藤美沙を迎え、見えないものの存在を捉え、さまざまなスケールでその実体とイメージするものの関係性を問いかけます。
Tokyo Arts and Space (TOKAS) presents a series of exhibitions "ACT (Artists Contemporary TOKAS)" that showcase noteworthy efforts by mainly artists who have previously participated in other TOKAS programs. This fifth edition introduces three artists who attempt to capture invisible presence, and evoke on various scales relationships between substance and imagination regarding such things.
This time, Ebihara Yasushi presents freeze frames from videos; Samejima Yui historical materials related to ancient ruins; and Sudo Misa works based on space observation data. All of them are visualizations of fragmentary moments and phenomena, capturing things that we can perceive but not recognize, things that have gotten lost, or things that we will never be able to see, while inviting our imagination to the vast expanses of space and time that each of them involves. Informed by different viewpoints and techniques, the exhibits work as harbingers of the invisible presence that lurks behind each of them.
今回の作品は、国立天文台の太陽観測衛星「ひので」やNASA の天体観測データ、研究者へのインタビューをもとに、紙にピンで穴をあける手法によって作られたものである。作品画面には凹凸やうねり、亀裂が生まれ、あけた穴の裏側には紙が破れて押し出されたままの形が残る。最新作《Sun》の制作においては、現在の太陽が11 年に一度の活動期にあり、太陽の表面は太陽フレア(爆発現象)やコロナループ発生のために穏やかではないことを知って、叩き壊すように勢い良く穴をあけることでその様子を表した。
My exhibition starts with an observation of the Milky Way galaxy in which we live. After thinking about the vast galactic system that our eyes cannot see, in the dark setting, visitors explore planets that are millions of kilometers away from the Earth. They travel around the striped Jupiter, wrapped in a thick layer of clouds, and the chunks of ice and fragments of stars that make up the rings of Saturn, before eventually landing on the red hot Sun. The idea behind this setup was to create an environment for visitors to get closer to the celestial bodies while standing down here on the earth, and rediscover the presence, the characteristic features, and the beautiful designs of those bodies up there.
Based on data from the National Astronomical Observatory’s orbiting solar observatory “Hinode,” astronomical observation data from the NASA, and interviews with researchers, the works on display were made by punching holes into sheets of paper using pins. These operations cause irregularities on the paper, and slits and undulations that remain on the reverse side of the holes. During the making of the new work Sun , I learned about the 11-year cycle of the Sun’s activity, and that such phenomena as solar flare and corona loops make its surface anything but calm. I tried to express that energy by punching the holes with additional, almost destructive vigor.
Illuminating the works emphasizes the corrugated quality of their surfaces, and I hope that this roughness will stimulate the visitors’ senses, and encourage them to try and imagine the textures of outer space.